Prophecy Fulfilled

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Prophecy Fulfilled is the published story about Belgrave Palafox, Naiya'Nal, and the fulfillment of the final three prophecies. It includes the complete versions of The Origin of Naiya'Nal as Part 1, and The Final Three as Part 2. Also included throughout the story are a variety of the poems and songs from Nebulum, including The Ballad of Icavor and Yanna'Reh, Na'karden Slayer, Paws Paws, and Listen Now. References are also made to the events and heros mentioned in a number of other short stories about Nebulum.

The stories take place between Jurthe 23, 6984 [10:948] and Soldes 9, 7000 [10:964], with the main focus of the story taking place in the latter two years.


Prophecy Fulfilled was published July 27, 2009 by, Inc. The printed book is 440 pages long. The cover was completely designed by Ben Hinks and utilizes the two red dragons on the flag flown by King Belgrave on the front, and the two red dragons on the flag flown by the Dark Wizard Voth on the back. Breaking from the norm, Ben opted not to include an 'About the Author' on the back cover, but placed it inside the book.

ISBN 978-1-60145-908-4

This book is no longer in print, but Ben does have some extra copies.

You can read the story for free at


Belgrave Palafox suddenly finds himself in another world where he learns that he has inadvertently fulfilled the first of the final three prophecies and is destined to fulfill the other two prophecies before he can leave Nebulum to return to his own world. His struggle to understand and fulfill the final prophecies will forever change his life as he is forced to travel to strange lands and encounter many dangers along the way.

Entrenched against Belgrave Palafox, the Dark Wizard Voth will stop at nothing to find and kill anyone who attempts to fulfill prophecy and contest his authority. Having spent five centuries anticipating this coming hero, the Dark Wizard has prepared to deal with this threat with plans to twist prophecy to his own designs and permanently establish his rule over the entire world of Nebulum.

Naiya'Nal, taken at an early age and trained to be a loyal servant of the Dark Wizard Voth, has begun to question everything that she was taught and chooses to leave him in search of the truth and the king who will one day oppose her former master. She eventually discovers that she is intended by prophecy to decide who will be the final victor and that she will ultimately influence the future of Nebulum.

Named Characters

AnouAoristAradagAr'RaAxiosBalvainBelgrave PalafoxBisela'VarB'L'TChavogChitheaChivwigChuglotChuvrutCrandoliCyclaxDaridusDarika'DafDerkiasDesi'RelDezhothokhDofun'BeEleutheraEkenEmanpugnikamErom'RevenEukilEvitaercnuF'D'GFelzFluvannaFluxeenaGalbraithGitchvarGolvrethHalozHashavHeslekHevmanHijelHiyuneHlueqwikHolgarHuremHuretoHuvttiuqIcavorIkaroIlphInimpliJadela'MarJazekJefrogJetravilthJigvoshethJohaJosloyJugoshJun JoonKathivKellKezhKhegothKlezKohngorKylarenLajivilthLebuvLegshigLeno'PelLeukosLichigovLiomanelLorica'ForLugarLuscoiMarla'SuMelasMertrexM'K'NNaiya'NalNarmsteNarva, Dark WitchNarzandra, Dark WitchNeajiNeekNellacNetsau'NajNidizNomoloNorogOra'YamPaghi'NalPikole'DilRagwulchRexorgRodanthRodrozRogogilthRumsiSamanSarasesanomeSetrarShedekShivishShogwarShughultSidrahkirSolihasTa'EroTagwarchTathelTealeaTehem'BaTelkomeTenaiyaTeofThagThegTheltagThigThogThugTiklalaTuros XIIITytaneVaersheenaValchetVashojVemrok, Dark WitchVetagushVirctoViglishVortrogVotesh, Dark WitchVoth, Dark WizardVulgishVygothWintfarWorgorWulshgarYanna'RehYerahZhethou

Named Places

AkanarjAmehtanaAmisAnamnesis, Bay ofAregos, Forest ofAtalanBarbidonorBarbidonor RiverCorpiscus, LakeDark ForestDark ValleyDark WastelandDezhothokh's Horse FarmDragon's TeethDuhobrekEemaEeramanEfundilElekimElevorElevor, Library ofEtnybenFonuGadellaGorrafHayveHeroabeHigdonHolichHovarwishIsimIswaItragoniJarvzinKaKimb, Island ofKimiradKiremo DesertKorut, Strait ofLatanLatholishLawartholishLawarval, Fords ofMayveMini-WorldMount ChozeaNaglish, Ford ofNasadNazadaNazvalNebulumNelfarjNerakNerak NitilNerak RiverNodnarbNomotaNomota RiverNorlOrtonOtopoOzo MountainsPaneiPiaRayojRiver KisRodanth, Cliff ofRondSamirilSardaShigorichTahist MountainsTanaradTaorTayveTorudo RiverVernonVethlishWegorishWekinedWulu'Mu'Bar Mountains