Lendi Tree

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The lendi tree is probably the most exotic looking tree in Nebulum compared to earthly standards. While only the size of an average fruit tree, there are very noticable differences between the male and female variations.

The male lendi tree consists of a branchless stalk. Instead, the leaves grow straight out of the trunk. The leaves are a bright yellow green with a small point and two large lobes which extend beyond the base of the stem. During the late fall pollination season, the leaves fall off and are replaced with dark blue pollen stalks.

The female tree also has a single stalk but at the top it branches out to create what looks similar to an umbrella. The trunk itself is covered with a wooly bark which can be eaten in soup. The leaves are a darker shade of green than the male tree but are the same shape. They remain on the tree until after the pollination season is over and winter has come. The flowers are a deep violet color. It is unknown how the tree does it, but it manages to be pollinated in the autumn and does not bear fruit until early spring. These trees grow slightly larger than the males and shade them from the elements.

These trees are often grown commercially, both for the wooly bark and also for the meat of the tidri, a small animal which feeds exclusively on the wooly bark. The fruit is not eaten but used to start new Lendi trees.