Nebulum is the fantasy world created and developed by Ben Hinks. The idea originated in the year 2000 with the creation of a language and the drawing of a few maps. There were also two very short attempts at a story that never took off. It turned out the idea needed time to age, so the concept did not undergo much serious development until early 2005. Many of the place names and map outlines that originated early on were suggested by one of Ben's friends who was probably 11 at the time, but he is no longer involved. Some of the original concept art remains.
It was during a night shift while stationed in Korea that Ben began to write out an outline for a story based off what could be remembered from the original idea. The next few months were spent slowly remaking the world. Many of the maps had the same general outline, but several of the countries and cities ended up with new names and locations. Some of the original character ideas were also slightly changed, while some others remained the same. Writing began on various parts of the story, but it would be another year before it became a serious manuscript. By midsummer 2006, A Crux of Hope was submitted for publishing.
Following the cancellation of A Crux of Hope in early 2008, the story has been heavily edited and proofread and Prophecy Fulfilled was submitted for publishing in mid 2009. Current development is now looking at both past and future events, and several more stories may eventually be written.
Nebulum continues to grow and expand into an entire world filled with cultures and civilizations.