Soldiers of Darkness

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The soldiers of darkness were mostly solitary assassins trained by the Dark Lunari or Dark Wizards to cause havoc and terror throughout the world. They distinguished themselves from the normal slave armies by the black capes they wore. One of the known soldiers of darkness was Zovanik who killed Icavor but was then killed by Yanna'Reh.

One of the interesting things about the soldiers of darkness is that they usually only said one phrase when they met someone. It consisted of their name and a brief slogan. This helped to fuel the terror associated with them even among the normal soldiers of the dark rulers.

If a soldier of darkness had his face or true identity exposed, he would take his weapon and kill himself on the spot.

Only two individuals could give orders to the soldiers of darkness, the dark ruler of the time, and a certain soldier of darkness chosen by the dark ruler to give orders in his stead. One such soldier of darkness was Zog Zog who was killed in the year 4003 [6:501].

In 4003 [6:501], with the defeat of the Dark Wizard Gerzh, thousands of soldiers of darkness decided their new master was whoever had defeated their previous master, even though this had been a sleeping Awa girl. As they awaited her first commands, they were executed by the Great King Felarikam I. This was the end of the soldiers of darkness.

The Dark Wizard Voth could have reinstated the soldiers of darkness, but he relied instead on his Dark Witches.

Known Slogans

I eat my kills.


I slice, dice, cut, gut, a path of damage like a rut.




A path of blood and fire.


One sword to spearhead the darkness.

Zog Zog

I kill all I find.
