Library of Elevor

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The library's symbol on the white flag of Tanarad.

The Library of Elevor was one of the most extensive storage facilities of old books and manuscripts after the destruction of Atalan. At the height of its time, the librarian was Doctor Corngod. It was visited by King Belgrave as he was escaping from the Dark Wizard Voth through the Dark Valley.

Books in the Library of Elevor

The Journals of Josloy
by Queen and Historian, Hudena'Sor

The Manual of Magic
by Kipera'Jil

Of Prophecies and Panic
by Filofa

Freewill or Predestination: A study of Prophecy and its effects on the individual
by Daridus the Eloquent, personal scribe of King Setrar of Nerak and Authoritative Keeper of the Keys to the Fifth Circle of Wordiness for the Illustrious Council of Adaptive Writing and Publishing

Don't be a King Darthan
by Lominora

Great King Emanpugnikam: A Hero for Us All
by Evitaercnu

The Gnome
The Fellowship of the Orb
The Two Tall Buildings
The King Comes Back
-Author unknown

Favor and Compensation
by Hksneotsop Uopohj

Dignity and Displeasure
by Netsau'Naj

A Novel of Nine Hamlets
The War of Survival
A New Year's Song
Great Apprehensions
by Snekid