
Josloy was the man who devised the method to defeat the Dark Magicians. He is considered to be one of the greatest heros of all Nebulum.
Josloy was born in 5646 [8:1090] in Sodoo, the southernmost city of Bagda. He had a sister named Jaka'Len. In 5674 [8:1118], at the age of twenty-eight, he departed his hometown and traveled to Atalan. While Great King Derkias would not grant him an audience, Prince Nomolo was willing to listen to Josloy's plans to explore the great land of Etnyben and seek a way to fulfill the next prophecies. At the behest of the Prince's best friend, Hudena'Sor, Josloy kept a journal of his travels.
Josloy's expedition began with his departure from Atalan on Ardes 25, 5674 [8:1118], and lasted until his return to Atalan in 5681 [8:1125].