Lake Icavor

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Lake Icavor is a large heart shaped lake in Etnyben which according to legend, was filled with the tears of Yanna'Reh as she mourned the death of her husband Icavor.

Surrounding Lake Icavor is a desolate land, with the Red Mountains to the west, a range separating the lake from the Bay of Ivil in the north, and another range south of the lake. Very little grows in this region, although more grows the closer one is to the Icavor River. Nearby flora and fauna include blue reeds with red seed pods, and a variety of small invertebrates. Beneath the surface of the lake, a blue algae thrives, and has the interesting property of filtering salt from water in its vicinity. Small fish thereby also live in the clumps of blue algae.

It was suggested that spoonfish would not survive in Lake Icavor, but from lack of food, not the inhospitable quality of the water.