Deathbirds are black colored birds which are always found at the sites of battle. At times, they even arrive long before the battle. Some people speculate that the deathbirds can feel the workings of prophecy and therefore know when things are going to happen.
One deathbird worth mentioning was Erom'Reven. His origin is unclear but he was gigantic in proportion to other deathbirds and lived over a thousand years. Also, he had the ability to speak the universal language. Erom'Reven was able to choose to obey the beast language of the Lunari but reject the orders given in the dragon language of the Dark Wizard Voth. This was the deathbird which guarded the ring of the golden moon and gave the summons to Nasad when the ring was taken by King Belgrave.
There is still one bit of deathbird trivia which remains to be answered and I actually don't have an answer yet. "What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen deathbird in a nosedive?"