
Elevor is a city built deep in a cavern located under the Dark Valley. The cavern was discovered by the the former residents of Atalan which had survived the great earthquake which plunged their city beneath the waves of the Bay of Anamnesis in 6035 [9:345]. In the cave they found shelter and made the most of what they could find.
Essentially, Elevor became a mining colony, relying on the minerals they mined to pay for food and other necessary goods. As its greatness and influence grew, Elevor became a major hub of trade, especially since ships could sail in through either end and avoid the longer journey around the coast of Tanarad. When the sword of the former Great King Telkome was discovered by a swimmer in the ruins of Atalan, it was placed in a small shrine in Elevor to await the returning Great King.
Shortly after the Dark Wizard Voth rose to power, he sent his first Dark Witch, Narzandra, against Tanarad where she began by taking an army of Barbidons to annihilate the underground city in 6568 [10:532]. The citizens fled and some survived the attack, but most of the city was destroyed and no one returned to the ruins. Unfortunately, the location of the kings sword was soon reduced to a mere rumor and hope faded from the world.
It wasn't until Belgrave Palafox, the returning Great King, emerged from the cave with the sword and defeated the Dark Wizard Voth, that anyone had any interest in searching the ruins for items of value. It was during the time after King Belgrave that the expansive library of the city was discovered and much that had been forgotten was found.