Many consider giants to be legends. It is claimed that they live only in the barren rocky land of Tayve. However, this is not true! Some giants lived in other lands.
Giants were created at the beginning of time. As man was created from the dust of the ground, the giants were created from the rock of the ground. However, giants are unable to procreate and their numbers have diminished over the millenia.
According to the last giant ever alive, Ar'Ra, the giants were both hunted to extinction, and also killed as they hunted the great saono'modaek. Ar'Ra himself ended up dying in the jaws of the huge reptile.
It is said that the giants stood about five Barbidons tall. Guestimating that they would then have a 25 foot step and using the standard of 180 steps per minute, it can be calculated that a giant would run 4500 feet or .85 miles per minute.
Known Giants
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