Seven Cities of Lajolaine

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The Seven Cities of Lajolaine were the center of Barbidon culture and civilization in the early history of Nebulum. They were situated around a large lake in the center of Lajolaine, and were rarely visited by outsiders. The seven cities were destroyed in the year 627 [2:135].

The seven cities as listed on an ancient map once found by Josloy were:

  1. Asholaine
  2. Gatholaine
  3. Hetholaine
  4. Lajolaine
  5. Recholaine
  6. Thorolaine
  7. Visholaine

There is an eighth city called Lamarjolaine that is sometimes added to the list of the seven cities.


During the time of King Belgrave, The Seven Cities of Lajolaine had fallen into obscurity and had become a very well made legend. It was believed that they were seven Barbidon cities in Barbidonor from early in the history of the world. Supposedly, they were the center of Barbidon culture at their time.