Dark Wizard Gerzh

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The flag flown by the Dark Wizard Gerzh during his last assault on Tanarad.

After the defeat of the Dark Lunari Kathorg, one of Kathorg's strongest minions, Gerzh rose to power. He gathered armies, reorganized the soldiers of darkness, and began to march them across a world which was rapidly growing fatigued of the constant warfare.


Great ones withdraw, time goes on.

Battles last long, armies grow tired.

The normal routine, the world endeavors.

Gerzh was defeated when he launched a surprise attack on Tanarad. The initial invasion began years before by slowly increasing the numbers of soldiers of darkness operating in the land. He then attacked and captured Itragoni. Despite his careful plan to kill everyone that could be a witness of his coming, two individuals escaped, sending word to Atalan that the Dark Wizard was coming. He was then defeated in battle by the armies of Great King Felarikam I and the Sisterhood of Jadela'Mar.