Sisterhood of Jadela'Mar

The Sisterhood of Jadela'Mar was composed of women of partial Lunari descent who were capable of using magic. They were founded in 2954 [5:13], a year after the death of Jadela'Mar who was the first to discover how to use magic and defeated the Dark Wizard Zarvaz. It is unknown the extent of their complete power since the sisterhood grew secretive. They were distrusted and sometimes referred to as witches by the rest of the world since magic was more commonly used by the dark enemies.
The Sisterhood of Jadela'Mar is very secretive. When in public, they did distinguish themselves from commoners by wearing the colors yellow and purple. Their banner was purple with a yellow thunderbolt outlined in red. They also wrote the Manual of Magic and gave a copy to all of their members.
For much of their history, the Sisterhood remained a solid, influential organization throughout the world. However, a schism formed from events in 5682 [8:1126] that led to the High Council losing its control of the organization. According to information Josloy recorded in 5684 [8:1128], Tora'Sor's actions during a mission to Eranithon were the catalyst, although it was others who instigated and initiated the changes. From then on, the Sisterhood declined in power as its members grew increasingly independent. It is believed the last member, Ta'Ero, was killed in 6999 [10:963] by Naiya'Nal.
The Oath of Jadela'Mar
I am a mortal woman born of man yet the blood of the ancient Lunari flows in my veins.
I will learn to use the magic granted the Lunari at the creation of Nebulum.
I will strive to do my part in the scheme of history however small it may be.
I am dedicated to this purpose and no other will so completely dominate my life.
I am a member of the Sisterhood of Jadela'Mar and bound by this pledge forevermore.
Note: This section © 2006 Ben Hinks