
From Archives of Amehtana
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The language of the Awa originated from the Universal Language but was modified to accomodate the fewer sounds spoken by their race. Initially, the language was sparcely used with the Awa mainly using the Universal Language. However, over several millenia of seclusion from the rest of the world, their own langauge became more prevalent. By the time of King Belgrave, very few remained who spoke the Universal Language.


b d p t f m n r h w
a e o u
Sample Text
U ha entered the ream of the Awa
"You have entered the realm of the Awa"


The Awa vocabulary is quite similar to that of the Universal Language. For the most part, they use the same words minus the sounds which are not part of their language.

For exemple, the sentance I am a peaceful Awa and live in the sea, would be translated something like E am a pea'efu Awa and ef n the 'ea.

However, there are times when they have developed a culture specific word.

  • awa'dar: a gathering where the Awa can be safe from harm
  • awa'ref: a ruling council
  • awa'temonor: an Awa distress call

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