Voth's Dark Language

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The Dark Wizard Voth devised his own specific Dark Language, mostly for writing out dictionaries of dragon speech or the recipes for potions.

The language is written right to left and top to bottom. A glyph starts out as a single consonant. Vowels coming before the consonant would be written above it. Some of the glyphs also allow vowels to be fitted inside them which depicts a vowel coming after that specific glyph. Interestingly, the language does not have a glyph for every used sound so some of them can also be used for similar sounds (i.e. z, zh; k, g). This means that some names such as "Voth" are actually written "Vot."


s j v z
b d m n
t r w y
sh k, g
a e i o u
Sample Phrase
rokdazho vejishor morsh
(Voth's dragon language)
send back the youngest

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