Barbidon Language
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The language of the Barbidons is a modified version of the Universal Language. It was changed to accommodate the harshness of their culture. While they can still easily speak the Universal Language, they prefer this one when there are other races are not present. Interestingly, many of their letters are very similar to those in the Universal Language.
The Barbidon language is mostly unknown to the rest of the world since they also speak the universal language. What is known is hard to understand.
- a: and?
- ajoth: how
- ashgol: by
- chag: to go
- chaglig: to come
- char: for
- chegcharg: today
- chigel: an alcoholic beverage
- chog: what
- choshu: clothing, outfit
- chuwog: where
- egivora: a plant used for tea
- elgwith: peace
- elhoj: life
- gashog: when
- gechiv: respect, show respect
- gegret: message
- gesharv: caution
- gigiwivith: a sea animal
- gish: spouse
- gohr: follow
- gul: scum
- gulgvar: a derogatory curseword (adj)
- gulgvate: a derogatory curseword (int)
- heth: wait
- hio: for?
- ho: on
- hoch: if
- hocheth: if not, or, else
- hogla: gathering, gather
- hoj: death, die
- holshig: enemy
- hovwog: ship
- hug: daughter
- huvgosh: to avenge
- ichwarth: preparation, prepare
- igesh: was, past tense
- ig: is/am/are, present tense
- iteth: could, is able to
- itoth: could not, is not able to
- jenosh: to warn
- jenoshav: warning
- jetil: then
- jug: son
- lashgo: behavior, behave
- lejhor: suvive
- letetigu: around, near
- levjor: to kill
- levjorwilg: to kill (you)
- levshot: ahead, before, in front of
- lug: mother
- luglug: grandmother
- ragosh: a dragon
- regashiv: follower, follow
- rishla: attention, listen, have/show?
- rog: day
- rut: all, makes the following noun inclusive
- rutla: the only, makes the following noun exclusive
- ruth: the standard unit of Barbidon currency
- shashtha: less than
- shashtho: merely, nothing more than, equals
- shashthu: greater than
- shigshig: pirate, derogatory term
- shivesh: run, past tense
- shotoj: soldier
- tawg: king
- tawgjug: prince
- tetech: will be
- teteth: be
- thagegigogug: an animal hunted for its fur
- thelgor: bring, carry
- tragosh: a tiny dragon
- tug: father
- tugtug: grandfather
- tuvaj: special, custom
- verog: better
- vevlit: drunken, alcoholic
- vewgah: hesitation,hinderance
- vijlav: there
- vuthgar: destroy
- wejet: blue (color)
- wel: we, these, us
- weri: an alcoholic drink
- wilg: you (single second person)
- wilgel: you (plural second person)
- woth: no, not?
- wu: me, this
- wulg: other third person, that
- wulgel: other third person (plural), those
- Je: One
- Re: Two
- Shar: Three
- Chor: Four
- Ror: Five
- Atev: Six
- Tev: Seven
- Shil: Eight
- Shol: Nine
- Shash: None (Zero)
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