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Navigation throughout Nebulum is based on the standard measurement of distance, the nura. At sea, however, a navigational system devised by the Barbidons is commonly used. This system divides the globe into twenty-five timezones each with twenty-five smaller divisions, for a total of 625 divisions. At the equator, each of these divisions is exactly ten nura.

Position is determined by charts listing the positions of the sun and two moons each day. Time aboard ships is kept by a device designed by the Lunari. This device is always set to Atalan time.

Due to the complexity of the system, only the ship captains capable of understanding and using the system dare to take ships far from the shore. The numerals used in the system are the ones used by the ancient Barbidons.


  • Longitude is measured west from Atalan, thereby making the international date line bisect the city. For actual timekeeping purposes, however, the actual date line is shifted east of Tanarad and Panei.
  • There is no prime meridian because the navigation system cannot be divided in half.
  • Latitude isn't measured beyond 156 north or south. However, this is exactly 2.5 nura from the pole.
  • Most people in Nebulum use the common 24-hour day. As a result, very few people understand or even know about this 25-hour version.