The Book of Zarc
The Book of Zarc was a highly disputed piece of literature whose author, Zarc, claimed to have talked directly with the Creator of Nebulum and been told the outcomes of all the prophecies. Unfortunately, it was written using a language made up by Zarc and could not be read by anyone unless they spent many years trying to decipher the text. The sixth through eighth sections appear to mention details about alchemy.
The book was finally deciphered and the translation published in the year 2323 [3:329], 202 years after the birth of Zarc, by two brothers, Telbert and Telbert the Shorter. They had spent five years pouring over the cryptic manuscript and later said they would have spent much longer if their mother had not suggested that the language was probably something "real simple, like sorting plates from bowls and cups, and additional markings to show if they’re clean or dirty, although on a much larger scale." It was later rumored that the panic following their publication of the translation contributed to the death of Great King Depotilos III the following year.
- Zarc: The first section of the Book was an autobiography telling how Zarc searched for and met with the Creator.
- Origins of Beginnings: The second section gives an in-depth description of creation and how the Lunari gathered to write the prophecies.
- Seeds of Races: The third section tells of the three races and their creations and early histories, as well as giving a few datails of races which were derived from the original three.
- Fortellings of Prophecies: The fourth section is the most disputed part of the book since it purports to tell the future of every prophecy as well as acknowledging the existence of the Dark Prophecies.
- Crowns of Kings: The fifth section reads like a geneology from Belagara to the Great King Emanpugnikam. It also gives a brief history of each of the Great Kings.
- Lengths of Lands: The sixth section describes the plants and animals which can be found on land. While Ebenor may have described the world in poem, Zarc did an almost as good job without being poetic.
- Swells of Seas: The seventh section tells of the waters of Nebulum, including the currents and the plants and animals which can be found therein.
- Shifts of Skies: The eighth section tells of the stars and astronomical wonders as well as details about weather and flying animals.
- Arts of Arms: The ninth section is about weapons and armor and how to use them effectively be it as an individual or as part of an army or other military group.
- Conclusions of Endings: The tenth and final section is where Zarc pulls together his final notes and gives his fortelling of what will happen after all prophecy has been fulfilled.