Dark Witches
The Dark Witches were women of Lunari descent who practiced magic and were under the control of the Dark Wizard Voth. There were never more than two Dark Witches at any point although each of those two could have an apprentice. Dark Witches typically wore cloaks of purple or black.
The purpose of the combat Dark Witch was to lead Voth's armies into battle. The second was to operate as a secret assassin and kill anyone who would attempt to fulfill prophecy or defeat Voth.
Combat Dark Witches
The Dark Witches assigned for combat led Voth's armies of Barbidons and occaisionally small bands of men or Canari into battle. She commanded total obedience from her soldiers and through a series of regional commanders, she could control multiple regions at a time. Because of the visibility of their position, combat Dark Witches were killed more frequently than their hidden counterparts. There were also times when their insatiable aggression led them to suicidal combat against the Sisterhood of Jadela'Mar.
Assassin Dark Witches
Dark Witches trained to be assassins were usually more adept in their skills than their open combat counterparts. This led to many having an aire of superiority and contempt toward the others. While just as capable of leading an army into battle, the assassins were much better suited for speed and stealth. Some of the more notable assassins were able to remain hidden despite leaving behind a wide path of carnage and corpses. These Dark Witches often remained anonymous to the world until they were suddenly discovered and killed, usually by spies of the Sisterhood of Jadela'Mar.
Known Dark Witches