Naiya'Nal, born Dolthe 12, 6980 [10:944], was the daughter of Tenaiya and Paghi'Nal and with the blood of the Lunari flowing in her veins, was destined by prophecy to become great. She was born and spent her first few years in Latan. When she was four years old, on Jurthe 23, 6984 [10:948], she was taken by the Dark Wizard Voth to be trained as a Dark Witch before the Sisterhood of Jadela'Mar could take her. She was told her parents did not survive but they were actually imprisoned by Voth.
Dark Prophecy |
The last and the best |
Under Voth, Naiya'Nal's mentor was Lorica'For. She taught Naiya'Nal how to use magic. When her training was complete, in the year 6999 [10:963], Voth had two tests for her. The first was to kill Lorica'for and the second was to kill an Awa woman named Ta'Ero. It was during these tests that Naiya'Nal learned the truth about her parents. Voth then killed them in front of her.
Naiya'Nal then escaped from Voth and made her way to Tanarad in search of the truth. It was there that she met Captain Haloz of the Red Exemplars and he explained to her the things which had never been taught to her. Shortly after, Belgrave entered the world and completely changed her life.