The Lunari still use the language they brought from Ka.
This is believed to be their alphabet. It was reconstructed from various archives which have not been thoroughly translated. There may be some differences between this alphabet and their real one.
Very little of the Lunari language is known to man. Everything with vocabulary was passed by spoken sayings and prophecy.
ar: dry
bene: stronger
burop: for
da: city
dapro: awaken
dere: all
derenorto: people
derenti: many
dixbeld: battle
elo: of
fasara: comes
gemda: be
gofinda: begin
gofindi: beginning
gofindru: a history, time
jesaru: victory
jovindru: eternal
kalato: by
khashel: monster?
me: the
mis: to
mo: than
naza: cold
nolo: from
ora: will
ru: end
ruk: final
tarsil: servants
timadi: one
ufithu: journal
wosere: known
wosini: unknown
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