Beast Languages

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Their are at least two beast languages with an unknown number of dialects. The first of these was used by the Lunari to talk to animals and the second was devised by the Dark Wizard Voth and used exclusively to talk to his dragons. He never learned it could be used with other creatures or he probably would have done so.

Grammer and syntax is the same for both languages but vocabulary is completely different.

Syntax and Samples

There are several variations of the syntax for this language, but it always uses the specific name of the creature being talked to. This is to avoid any confusion among the other animals caused by the magical nature of the language which they can hear from anywhere in the world. If a collective designation is given, it only includes beasts within eyesight of the one giving the commands.

[Command] [Name]

Voth's Language
Vegrijses Eleuthera
[I call you] [Eleuthera]

[Command] [Name] [Specification]

Voth's Language
Veytabijnor Kell sesakrig
[Come to me] [Kell] [from the clouds]
Voth's Language
Venzorbijnor Ilph seshakrozh
[Come to my aid] [Ilph] [from your home]

[Command] [Name] [Command]

Lunari Language
Hefelowa Alst filraw Mayve
[Come take me] [Alst] [go to Mayve]
Voth's Language
Ik shivbijnor Kell yarkrig Amehtana
[Come grab this man] [Kell] [go to Amehtana]

[Name] [Command] [Command]

Lunari Language
Erom'Reven filraw Tayve ah elufiar uahilio welhiflara lararilow nasad
[Erom'Reven] [go to Tayve] [and await the time you must take your race to Nasad]
Voth's Language
Ilph yarkrig dragons rokdazho vejishor morsh
[Ilph] [go to the other dragons] [send back the youngest]



ah: and
ealf: tree
elufiar: wait for, await
filowefel: go where I go
filraw: go to
hefel: come take
hi: time
hilio: time (future)
lararilow: all your kind?
owa: me, I
ua-: the
uarflar: the highest
warilar: this person
welhiflara: when you must bring?


akr-: possesive prefix for a location
akrig: (the) clouds
akrozh: your home
bijnor: come (to the talker)
buj: be
dazho: and/but
ik: man
kevkiz: do not
kizvey: take (me)
morsh: youngest
nozh: boy
ritz: fight / battle
rokdazho: other(s), in addition to
ses: from
shiv: grab, take
shor: send
tishiv: with the
tosh: into
veji: return (to me)
veyta: by (me)
vinzor: aid (me)
yarkrig: go to

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