The village of Razhinoch was founded just inside the southern boundary of the Razhin Jungle in the later parts of 1059 [2:567] by the outcast survivors of the first battle of Nazada. For the first century of it's existence, the village struggled to survive, but eventually became prosperous by trading the exotic plants and animals found only in the jungle.
After the white plague covered Etnyben, the village was all but wiped out. The villagers were reduced to a very primative lifestyle and Razhinoch never regained its greatness.
It was this village which first named the heptu'na plant after Heptu'Non.
While most people talking of Razhinoch think only of a solitary village, Razhinoch is more than just one village. It is an entire region of villages. These are all called Razhinoch, although some people wonder if the villagers have a method to distinguish one Razhinoch from another Razhinoch. This results in different villages having different customs, and increases the potential for finding strange situations in the Razhin Jungle.
Link to the Underground
During the early years of the village, they had a well a short distance to the west, although historians question the need for this well since the village was built along a river. By 4004 [7:0], there were reports of people disappearing when they went to the well, so the villagers were afraid to venture nearby. That year, Purishi'Kan from the Sisterhood of Jadela'Mar stumbled into the forgotten village. She was asked to investigate, but was also taken in the process.