Jun Joon
Who is Jun Joon?
The first real person Belgrave met in Nebulum was Jun Joon. The man was old, but never told Belgrave his personal history. Instead, he only told Belgrave the history of the world and how he was destined to fulfill the final prophecies. Belgrave found the man trustworthy enough he would have done anything he had told him to. Jun Joon later told Naiya'Nal his history and thus filled in a vital piece of information in the world's history.
Jun Joon was born on Jurdes 26, 5999 [9:309] and died on Jurdes 26, 6999 [10:963] at the age of 1,000.
"Three races seperate, a lesser to guide"
Jun Joon served the Great King Telkome in the final days of the great city, Atalan. He was one of three granted rings crafted in the likeness of the great king's ring. This ring of the king was a red circle with a silver crescent and a golden crescent surrounding it on opposite sides. Through it, the three races of men, barbidons, and canari were united in their common battle. When Atalan was destroyed and the king lost, this ring needed to be hidden from the darkness which was creeping across Tanarad. The three men wearing similar rings had the Lunari divide the king's ring into its three parts and then split up to hide the three parts of the ring around the world. The three races were separated and Jun Joon was the only of the three men to return.
Over time, it became apparent that Jun Joon was living longer than the usual lifespan. He began to study ancient lore and legends and educated himself on the prophecies. It became known that he was the 'lesser to guide' mentioned in prophecy and many came to seek his advice.
The Final Guidance
Jun Joon lived exactly one thousand years. He stayed alive because there was guidance he had not yet given. He may not have known what it would be, but he knew when he had given it because the prophecy concerning him had been fulfilled. The last advice was telling Belgrave and Naiya'Nal that if they truly loved each other, their love would transcend prophecy and even worlds.
Jun Joon's last words were, “Farewell King Belgrave and Queen Naiya’Nal, saviors of my world”. These last words of Jun Joon held several meanings; first he addressed them as a married couple and second he reinforced the idea that only together they could overcome the trials ahead of them.
Where is he now?
Jun Joon died suddenly in the company of Belgrave and Naiya'Nal. Having been honored with the man's last words, they decided to honor his corpse. Jun Joon was sent down the river on a burning boat which then sunk somewhere among the ruins of Atalan. Jun Joon is now gone forever, but his memory lives on in the lives of those he influenced.