Belgrave Palafox

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Belgrave Palafox was born in the year 2004, and raised on Earth. In 2026, at the age of 22 and after a 4 year term in the Army, he suddenly found himself brought to Nebulum where he was stuck in the deserted dark caverns of the city of Elevor. It was here that he discovered the sword of the king and unknowingly fulfilled the first half of the first prophecy. During his brief stay in the deserted city, he encountered and killed a boggle snake.


A sword discovered, a king returns.
Three rings combined, three races united.
Love conquers hate, the end begins.

Several days after finding the sword, Belgrave found himself leading the army of Tanarad to victory against the Dark Witch Narva and her army of Barbidons. It was here that he met his wife, Naiya'Nal. A month later, the second half of the first prophecy was fulfilled when he was crowned king of Tanarad as the return of the Line of the Great Kings. It was the year 6999 and the people of Tanarad began to see hope for the future.

The white flag of Tanarad with the two dragons of King Belgrave. The symbol of the dragons is very similar to a section sign (§).

The following spring, King Belgrave traveled to Panei and freed that land from the Barbidons. He also braved the Dark Forest and found the temple of the Lunari where he was told how to fulfill the second prophecy.

He then sailed west to Hayve and took the Ring of the Silver Moon from the peak of Mount Chozea. He then turned north and traveled to Mayve with brief interruptions from the Canari and the Awa. When he reached Mayve, over half his soldiers were killed in an unprovoked battle with the native horsemen. In his revenge, King Belgrave killed the Lunari Dezhothokh. Dealing with accusations of murder from his wife and Commander Sidrahkir, King Belgrave suffered his first mental breakdown. Shortly after, he had a second mental breakdown when he took the Ring of the Sun and plunged a seperate inverted world into frozen death. It took him awhile to recover this time. When he regained his composure, they once again marched north and traveled to Tayve. It was here that Belgrave found the Ring of the Golden Moon.

While in Tayve, King Belgrave received word of a rebellion back in Tanarad and hurried back despite warnings that the final battle would be at Nasad. Once in Amehtana, he found himself vulnerable to the Dark Wizard's sneak attack from the south but managed to escape north through the Dark Valley. Those who escaped with him eventually managed to enter the cavern and traveled past the ruins of Elevor. At the northern end of the cavern, they were picked up by a ship and taken to Nasad where they found the armies of Panei and Tanarad waiting for the Dark Wizard's attack.

The first battle at Nasad took place along the beach but did little to stop the enemy's advance. They then retreated to the Fortress of Nasad. The five brothers, Thag, Theg, Thig, Thog, and Thug, were captured during the battle and later executed as the rest of the armies watched from the fortress. King Victo of Vernon was also killed during that battle. The second battle took place the following day when Voth's army marched against the fortress. The enemy corpses piled so high that soon they provided a ramp over the fortress walls. Voth himself joined in this assault and took Naiya'Nal hostage. The Red Exemplars fought to the last man to allow the rest of the armies to escape into the tunnel. When the tunnel doors were shut, Voth made fire fall from the sky and incinerated the entire battlefield, killing even his own troops. King Anou of Nerak was thought to have also been killed during this battle.

King Belgrave was badly wounded in the battle and would have died if Queen Desi'Rel of Vernon had not come to his aid. He awoke several weeks later on the Island of Kimb. By the time he had recovered, a dragon flew over the lake and dropped a man into the water. It was King Anou and he had brought a message from Voth pledging safe passage to Sarda if he would fight one on one. Belgrave accepted the challenge and the following day, the dragon returned and took him.

Belgrave was placed on the Dragon's Teeth of Sarda where he encountered several Barbidons whome he had met earlier that year in Panei. They helped him to the Dark Wasteland and gave him much advice. At the top of Voth's castle, the two fought as Naiya'Nal watched from inside a locked cage. When Belgrave took the time to release her, she bolted out and grabbed the Dark Wizard. She pulled him over the side of the tower and they fell toward Lake Corpiscus. Belgrave jumped after them. It was here that he killed the Dark Wizard with the poison from a boggle snake fang Naiya'Nal had told him to carry.

Belgrave and Naiya'Nal then found themselves back in Earth late in the Earth year 2027.

Belgrave Palafox
Born: 2004 (Est. 6977 [10:941]) Died:  ?
Line of the Great Kings
Title last held by
Great King
6999 [10:963] - 7000 [10:964]
Line Discontinued