The Ballad of Icavor and Yanna'Reh
The Ballad of Icavor and Yanna'Reh was first sung in the courts of Great King Turos XIII in the year 4444 [7:440] by the minstrel Jefrog and his unnamed wife. Later it was sung at King Belgrave's coronation by Eken and his wife Ora'Yam.
This ballad is just one of the many bits of poetry written to commemorate the love between Icavor and Yanna'Reh. What makes this ballad so unique is that the verses are alternatingly sung by a man and a woman.
The Ballad of Icavor and Yanna'Reh
They told him a tale about her,
And sent him to search far and wide,
So he journeyed further and further,
And came to where she did abide.
With grey eyes that never could harden,
Her smile shone bright in the light,
She sat by herself in the garden,
But then a man walked into sight.
His eyes opened wide when he saw her.
He knew that the tales had lied.
Her beauty was so bright about her,
It darkened the wide countryside.
Her father then stepped out beside her,
And turned the young man with his chide.
The young man must prove he was worth her.
He must bring a fresh dragon's hide.
He set down a flower before her,
A flower of crimson and white,
Then gave a quick nod to her father,
A dragon he’d go find and fight.
The flower she put in the sunroom;
She watered it well every day.
And five times the flower did blossom;
It grew in the bright sunny rays.
He knew that one day he would have her,
And struggled to get dragon’s hide,
But each night as he thought about her,
His heart wept and silently cried.
The long nights she spent thinking of him,
She wanted to be by his side,
But first he must favor her father,
Or she would be kept from his side.
He finished and hastened to see her.
He brought with him three dragon’s hides.
He gave the three hides to her father,
But still couldn’t stand at her side.
One last quest her father would give him,
A dress is the one thing she'd want.
One more time her flower did blossom,
It grew in the bright sunny rays.
He searched for the dress he would give her,
And found one of purple and blue.
Her father then smiled down on them,
The young man now stood by her side.
The two of them danced in the field,
And spent the night under a tree,
Yet love, fortune never will shield;
Such beauty will end tragically.
A fiend in the night killed her father;
Her mother fell right at his side.
Her man raised a sword to defend her,
And shortly thereafter he died.
She reached for the sword of her lover;
The fiend succumbed to her revenge.
She cried by the corpse of her lover,
His death avenged by her revenge.
He never had a chance to tell her,
The bounds of his love, far and wide,
But actions of his loudly whispered,
How his love stayed true as he died.
Farewell to the cruel life without love,
The flower is all that survived.
She fell down in grief to her lover;
She joined the young man in the grave.
Man + Woman
Forever the world will wonder,
Forever the world will know,
That our love is to strong to sunder,
And such love no other will know.
This section © 2009 Ben Hinks