Icavor and Yanna'Reh
Icavor and Yanna'Reh was the first short story written about Nebulum which had little to do with the primary story about Belgrave. Instead, the story is a legend of something that happened thousands of years before.
A man named Bathor and his wife, Foina'Dor, have a daughter named Yanna'Reh. A traveller named Icavor happens to notice Yanna'Reh and claims she is more beautiful than a flower of the Lunari which he happens to have with him. Bathor is unwilling to allow this stranger to marry his daughter so he sends Icavor on a perilous quest to bring back the skin of a dragon.
Icavor leaves his flower in the care of Yanna'Reh and returns five years later with the skins of three dragons. Once again, Bathor refuses to give up his daughter and is about to send him on an even greater quest when Yanna'Reh intervenes and asks that Icavor only bring her a dress of blue and purple, the colors of the puble. Bathor gives in and Icavor returns a year later with the dress.
Icavor and Yanna'Reh then build a house on the hill opposite her parent's house and for three years, Icavor helps Bathor with the arvdil. One stormy evening, they notice a dark stranger enter her parent's house and Icavor goes to investigate but makes the mistake of leaving his sword behind. He finds Bathor lying dead at the door and a soldier of darkness attacked him. He picked up Bathor's sword and despite his skills, was pushed back to the door of his own home. Yanna'Reh stepped to the door holding Icavor's sword and watched as the soldier of darkness killed her husband. She then got her revenge and thrust the sword into the enemy. In the morning, she buried her husband along the road in the valley where she first saw him.
Yanna'Reh lives for another eight years before she finally gives in to her grief. A traveller found her watching the last few petals fall from the flower Icavor had given her many years before. She died when the last petal fell and the traveler buried her beside another mound in the valley.
Named Characters
Bathor • Foina'Dor • Icavor • Yanna'Reh • Zovanik