Manual of Magic

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The banner of the Sisterhood of Jadela'Mar.

The Manual of Magic was written in 3046 [5:105] by Kipera'Jil of the Sisterhood of Jadela'Mar. It was used as a guidebook for using magic for all of their members. Only one copy was made public. It was given to Doctor Corngod in the library of Elevor by Sister Dolera'Lor after she had ripped out all the instructional sections.

The Oath of Jadela'Mar

I am a mortal woman born of man yet the blood of the ancient Lunari flows in my veins.
I will learn to use the magic granted the Lunari at the creation of Nebulum.
I will strive to do my part in the scheme of history however small it may be.
I am dedicated to this purpose and no other will so completely dominate my life.
I am a member of the Sisterhood of Jadela'Mar and bound by this pledge forevermore.

Note: This section © 2006 Ben Hinks

Primary Stories
EranithonFactions of Fins and FeetThe Final ThreeThe Journals of JosloyTuros the Mighty
Other Writings
Icavor and Yanna'RehListen Now (Battle Song)Manual of MagicOfficial Belgraveball RulebookNa'karden SlayerPaws PawsQueen of the Sea (Song)Rituals or ExceptionsThe Ballad of Icavor and Yanna'RehThe Book of ZarcThe Legend of NidizThe Origin of Naiya'NalThe Sands of LandsTime Will Run Out (Song)Trios Parted
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