Dark Wizard Voth

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(Voth's Dark Language)
(Universal Language)
The flag flown by the Dark Wizard Voth at the Battle of Nasad.

Voth was the Dark Wizard during the time of Belgrave. He has white skin and shows no signs of age. His head is bald with an outline of a dragon stretched from front to back with the wings out to either side. On his hand he wore a ring shaped like a silver dragon with purple eyes. To him, the ring had prophetic meaning so he gave it to Naiya'Nal as a symbol that he believed she would fulfill prophecy. She later discarded it at his castle after he killed her parents where it was later found by Belgrave and given back to her. It is unclear exactly when Voth began to rise to power, but he was unheard of until his castle was suddenly built on the mountain rising from the center of Lake Corpiscus in Sarda in the year 6522 [10:486].


A castle built, the darkness spreads.
A race corrupted, a secret concealed.
One is known, one is hidden.
A dual lineage of the unrelated
The women will prevail

The prophecies of Voth were among the most misinterpreted prophecies ever, with even Jun Joon deceived. None looked to the north in anticipation, instead expecting the rise of any dark powers to come from the south and the ruins of Nazada. Thus it was a surprise when it was discovered that he had not only built his castle, but had corrupted the Barbidon race to serve him. The Dark Wizard then turned the Barbidons into armies which he then marched across the world under the command of his Dark Witches. Also, the last village of the nearly extinct Huvudets was suddenly found deserted shortly after he rose to power.

It is obvious that the last line of the three light prophecies speaks of Voth's Dark Witches. One operated in the open and led his armies, while the other operated in secret, always searching for any threat to Voth's power and an attempt to fulfill the final three prophecies. However, it is in light of this last section of the prophecy that the misinterpretations take place. Many also believe the last half of the second prophecy to also speak of the Dark Witches.

It is unfortunate for the world that they did not understand about the secret concealed. The secret is a project Voth worked on for his entire five hundred years. The secret would be the doom of the world should Voth's Dark Witches fail and an attempt to fulfill the final prophecies was in motion. At the same time, the world was fortunate they did not know about Voth's secret which he hid from even his most loyal Dark Witches. Instead of eagerly rushing to their death in an attempt to remove this menace, they lingered in patient longing for the one who would free them according to prophecy.

The Dark Prophecies also mentioned the Dark Witches, but made no mention of anything else.


The magic knife used by Voth in his final fight with King Belgrave.

Voth is a very powerful dark wizard. He wore no armor over or under his black cloak and openly stated that no one had the power to kill him. It is not known how many, if any, ever challenged him, but if any had, they would not have made it more than a few steps unless Voth wanted to entertain himself.

Voth did not carry a staff but did have a long sword which gleamed from the cold hateful malice of the many spells cast upon it. It is possible that the sword may have functioned as a staff but it is highly unlikely he needed to use it.

Voth's castle is undoubtedly the most massive structure ever built in Nebulum. It was built onto a mountain which looked as if half of it had fallen into Lake Corpiscus. This left a very tall cliff, at the top of which, Voth built his tallest tower. Above this tower, Voth caught fragments of falling stars and suspended them into a slowly rotating ring of glowing green fog and rock. When Voth wanted to execute an enemy, he would speed up the rotation of the ring and then use his magic to levitate the victim to be shredded. The Barbidons called this the Death Fire.


Naiya'Nal once asked Voth what he was since he was obviously not of men or Lunari. He would not answer but did say it was he who convinced the Dark Lunari to turn against the light which would have dated him to almost 3 million years before then.

The first person to ever encounter Voth in Nebulum was Lan Laan. Shortly after placing the Ring of the Silver Moon at the peak of Mount Chozea, he headed down a staircase carved inside the mountain. Halfway down, he met Voth and was led further down into a wide chamber heated by the molten magma far below. Voth told Lan Laan that he had recently awakened to fulfill prophecy but never specified which ones. It was only when Voth inadvertantly mentioned he would one day attempt to kill the returning king that Lan Laan realized the evil he stood beside. Shortly after, he was thrown to a fiery death in the magma. This was in the year 6035 and almost 500 years before Voth's castle would be built in Sarda.

One thing to be noted is that Voth seemed to affiliate himself with dragons. He had an image of a dragon on his head. He gave his dragon shaped ring to Naiya'Nal as his endorsement that she would have the strength of a dragon when it came to fulfilling prophecy. It has also been noted that his name sounds like those of the dragons.


The Dark Wizard Voth was defeated by Great King Belgrave and Queen Naiya'Nal in accordance with prophecy. Being more or less invincible to crafted weapons, it took the poison of a boggle snake fang to defeat him.

See Also: