The Origin of Naiya'Nal

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The Origin of Naiya'Nal (originally named To Raise a Dragon) is the story about Naiya'Nal before she met Belgrave. This story was put together with The Final Three in a single manuscript called Prophecy Fulfilled.


The Dark Witch Lorica'For has found a girl worthy of becoming her apprentice, Naiya'Nal. With the assistance of the Dark Wizard Voth and the Dark Witch Jazek with her Barbidon army, Naiya'Nal is captured along with her parents, Tenaiya and Paghi'Nal. The girl is taken to Voth's castle in Sarda where she is deceived and trained to be a Dark Witch.

When Naiya'Nal's training is complete, Voth gives her two tasks which she must complete. The first is to kill her mentor, Lorica'For. Before her death, the former Dark Witch tells Naiya'Nal that she is nothing more than a slave to Voth. The second task was to travel to Mayve and kill the Awa woman who would attack her. However, the fishwoman tried to befriend Naiya'Nal and said Naiya'Nal's parents had not been killed but were being kept as hostages by Voth. Naiya'Nal then killed the fishwoman according to Voth's orders but had been told enough to make her question the truth.

Upon her return to Sarda, Naiya'Nal discovered that the Awa woman had been correct and that her parents were in fact alive. She confronted Voth about them so he killed them. He then left her alone at the top of his highest tower to contemplate her allegiance to him. Naiya'Nal managed to escape and after a prophetic yet life-threatening situation, made her way to Tanarad where she both fought against the armies of Narva and searched for a red armband, a cryptic symbol mentioned by the fishwoman.

It was shortly after a battle that she encountered the Red Exemplars and was challenged to a duel by Captain Haloz. She gained his trust by allowing him to live and then began to inquire about the truth which had been hidden from her. She was soon introduced to Commander Sidrahkir, former friend of her father and one of the few who attempted to defend her house so many years before. It is then decided to keep her new allegiance a secret until the king came to fulfill prophecy.

Named Characters


Named Places

AmehtanaBarbidonorChozea, MountDark WastelandEemaEtnybenFonuGorrafItragoniLake CorpiscusLatanMayveNazvalNodnarbNomota RiverNorlOrtonPaneiRayojSardaTanarad

Primary Stories
EranithonFactions of Fins and FeetThe Final ThreeThe Journals of JosloyTuros the Mighty
Other Writings
Icavor and Yanna'RehListen Now (Battle Song)Manual of MagicOfficial Belgraveball RulebookNa'karden SlayerPaws PawsQueen of the Sea (Song)Rituals or ExceptionsThe Ballad of Icavor and Yanna'RehThe Book of ZarcThe Legend of NidizThe Origin of Naiya'NalThe Sands of LandsTime Will Run Out (Song)Trios Parted
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