The Journals of Josloy/Kilil 27, 5679
Unlike our previous journey from the Razhin Jungle, we’re heading southwest instead of due west. We’ve passed through the savannah, and found extensive grasslands that stretch in all directions as far as the eye can see. Without clumps of trees for shelter as on the savannahs, I’m not sure what animals will live in this land. Deer would be vulnerable, and without much prey, predators wouldn’t have much to eat. Still, considering how much I’ve been surprised by the life in other climates, perhaps I’ll be surprised here too. I did manage to kill a strange, large rodent for dinner tonight.
Kellon said he feels much safer here in the grasslands where he can see anything sneaking up on him. After seeing jekets in the savannahs and innumerable dangers in the Razhin Jungle, the grasses in this land are insignificant and do not make him feel as threatened as in other places. I thought about telling him we don’t know what untold terrors might be lying in wait hidden in the grass. Dawn said the greatest threat in this land comes from the sky, not the ground. She told of giant birds that hunt at day, and giant bats that feed at night. She also mentioned great herds of small deer, barely tall enough to look over the grass. Perhaps we’ll encounter the animals she mentioned. Perhaps we’ll encounter something different.
Aside from the threats mentioned by Dawn, I’m left wondering why this land isn’t farmed. I can’t find anything wrong with the soil, so the land should be good for crops and livestock. If farmers used the entire region to grow food, it could easily feed an army, perhaps a nation, and maybe even the world. Prince Nomolo, if an army is to attack the Dark Magicians, perhaps colonizing this land would help, with supply lines stretching from here to Lake Icavor. Soldiers should come to this land, of course, but perhaps the first groups to arrive could include large numbers of colonists and craftsmen to create an infrastructure capable of supporting a prolonged expedition against the Dark Magicians.
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