The Journals of Josloy/Ardes 25, 5675
Today marks the first day of the second year of my journey. So much has happened in the past year. I have traveled halfway around the world, visited the longest town ever, survived an attack by a raging horde of darkened fishmen, and even spoke with a Lunari! Considering the many things I’ve been through in the past year, I can only wonder what the next year will bring for me. After all, what could possibly top speaking face to face with a Lunari?
I asked Tora’Sor what she thought of me when we first met. She admits not being too pleased when she learned the Sisterhood of Jadela’Mar assigned her to accompany my expedition, but has since grown to admire my resolve. She expected I would turn back very early in my endeavor, but now knows enough about me to know that would never happen.
Elendra’Tel and Krista’Mil were less opinionated about me. We never had any major first encounter, and only became better acquainted since we were on the same ship together. Krista’Mil did offer me a snack today, which I promptly refused. I dare not ask what it was.
Pelmarco hasn’t been with us as long, having joined us in Perduva about seven months ago. Still, he claims that deciding to accompany me was the best thing he’s done since he was a Red Exemplar. He sincerely hopes I succeed in my endeavor, and find the ‘passage’ mentioned in prophecy that will lead to the final defeat of the Dark Magicians. He believes the ‘passage’ will be found somewhere in the supposedly impassable mountains along the western edge of Etnyben. Armies have traveled along the Icavor River and south from the Bay of Ivil to fight the Dark Magicians, but never has an army crossed Etnyben from the west. He also thinks the passage could be more than just a path through the mountains, and possibly an entire route through a land filled with strategically necessary resources.
Regardless of what I discover, this journey is still interesting. I enjoy the company of these friends on what originally was to be a journey by myself.
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