The Journals of Josloy/Ardes 7, 5679
I found an odd mound today that seemed out of place in the area. Grass grew thick upon the mound, but sparse in the area surrounding the mound. It was apparent someone built the mound a long time ago. There is a stone atop the mound, but it’s so old and weathered that no readable inscription remains. This leaves us wondering what important person came to this land long ago and died. History records three great kings and a prince who died in Etnyben prior to the white plague, but I believe those deaths were all in battle at Nazada. Tora’Sor suggested it might be the burial place of the second Great King Falikam. His reign ended when in his old age he gave the throne to his son. History has no record of his passing, so it’s possible he sought a remote place such as this to live out the remainder of his life.
I managed to get some time alone with Dawn today, and asked what attracts her to me. She said that at first she was only interested in our common goal of fulfilling the prophecy. As she watched me hidden from a distance, she slowly learned to appreciate me for the dedication I have to my goal and the attention I give to my companions. She didn’t have any romantic attraction to me until she saved me at Nazada, and even then she didn’t realize it until the incident in Kaluna. I like honest answers so I answered the same question in return. My attraction toward her was initially only because she saved my life. My trust and respect for her gradually increased as we shared experiences. I might have had romantic inclinations for some time before Kaluna, but I ignored it since I did not want to be involved in anything with the potential to hinder my exploration of Etnyben. I like women who are different, and in that respect, Dawn certainly has no equal.
It was the incident at Kaluna ten months ago, that made us realize ignoring our emotions would be more of a hindrance to the expedition than if we admitted they were real. It still causes trouble since we sometimes are too protective of each other. We hope to deal with this as soon as the expedition is over. Dawn agreed to marry me when we return to Bagda.
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