The Journals of Josloy/Jurdes 17, 5676
Vilnf, the chief of the Huvudets at Puv’l Ewoy, asked us to stay several days. Rar told us his people sometimes encountered the shorter people on this side of the jungle, but never knew where they came from. He says they are good hunters, but primitive, which coming from Rar, is quite telling about their level of advancement.
Vilnf spoke our language, although his use of it was chaotic at best, and interspersed with the words of the Huvudets. We did our best to tell them of the things we’ve seen throughout the world, of the Great Kings, the Dark Magicians, and much more, but I cannot tell how much they understood. Tonight, Vilnf reciprocated by telling us about the origin of the Huvudets.
In the days before the four great towers, the war between Day and Night gave birth to Dusk and Dawn, the first two Huvudets. Because Dusk darkens the Day and Dawn brightens the Night, Day and Night scattered the children of Dusk and Dawn throughout the world to keep them from gaining strength. The children of Dusk and Dawn, refusing to aid only Day or only Night, continue to maintain a fair balance between the two enemies, chasing away the Day and driving away the Night, each in its turn. Vilnf also showed us paintings on leaves to explain the myth, but they made little sense to us.
The symbolism of this myth is actually more complex than I can record in my journal, but I will still try. It begins with the war of the Light and Dark Lunari. Sometime between the creation of the world and the building of four towers, probably including Atalan and Nazada, both Lunari factions created the Huvudets. The strange part of the myth is the idea of the Huvudets maintaining a strategic balance between the Light and Dark Lunari.
It was obvious that Pelmarco immediately understood the myth. He tried explaining that Dawn was good and Dusk was bad because of whom they helped. The Huvudets did not take very kindly to this, and brandished many weapons at us before Vilnf said something to calm the other villagers.
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