The Journals of Josloy/Kilil 5, 5677
We are heading south, and staying somewhat close to the coast. I expect it will take us three or four months to reach Torheem, assuming the telefs stay with us that long. We now have two telefs without riders, and Gair no doubt considers Niahla’Sen to be a usurper of Rar, so they’re not as easy to handle as before. I told Niahla’Sen that Rar used to sing to the telefs. She sang a few songs, but they seemed to make the telefs complacent instead of riling them up into a bellowing frenzy like Rar always did. I think she’ll have a hard time filling Rar’s shoes.
Pelmarco considered traveling west to try catching up with the Red Exemplars, but decided he’d stay with me and Niahla’Sen for now. He claims my training with the sword is not yet complete, so I would be unable to defend myself in a time of need. Niahla’Sen tried explaining that her powers could keep us both safe, but I doubt Pelmarco would agree. Considering how Elendra’Tel was wounded by an arrow near Kaluna, I’m not sure to what extent I’d trust the arcane powers either. A Sisterhood operative might be able to anticipate and protect against such things, but I’ve never seen any demonstration of such capabilities, except perhaps from Tora’Sor.
One of the special items Niahla’Sen brought me from Atalan was a map of the area between Torheem and Nazada. It’s a copy of a map used millennia ago when Great Kings would lead armies against Nazada and the Dark Lunari Mathol who used the frozen city as a fortress. It’s doubtful any of the roads and destinations remain after the white plague and such long times of disuse, but it should provide us with a good idea of the best route to take. It’s sometimes easier to travel on what used to be a road than where there never was a road. I expect we might also find some ancient ruins, although without Elendra’Tel, I don’t expect we’ll do much exploring of them.
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