The Journals of Josloy/Soldes 15, 5677
Now that we’ve passed through most of the swampy areas where the Toram River flows into the sea, we are heading southwest. There is a town called Mazin just short of a month from here by horse. If the map Niahla’Sen gave me is correct, we should be able to find one of the ancient roads to Nazada near that town. Niahla’Sen asked why I planned to visit the icy ruins of Nazada, since its only claim to fame was the evil it sent to ravage the world back then. I tried explaining that it was requested that I find time to visit the ruins, but she isn’t very thrilled with the idea of visiting such a remote and desolate place.
Pelmarco and I, however, are curious about Nazada. Legend has it that the blood of the Red Exemplars paved the way to victory. Whether they paved the way literally or figuratively, to see the ground where brave soldiers fought and died will be something I doubt any of us will forget. Pelmarco says there is more to the legend than most people know, but as usual, he keeps such secrets about the Red Exemplars to himself. What I want to know is how the ancient armies managed to take horses into the icy wasteland at the bottom of the world. The legend mentions equestrians being part of the victory, but considering the lack of plants that thrive in freezing environments, I cannot imagine how they kept the horses from freezing or starving.
Pelmarco also expressed an interest in learning if the tower of Nazada still stands. He said the Huvudet cave paintings never actually depicted Nazada in ruins, but did show the ruins of Akmetan and Rukda. What might we find if the tower remains standing? Niahla’Sen suggested an entire listing of bad things we might find, which I can sum up with certain death. Pelmarco expects to see the history of the Red Exemplars. I expect the victorious army of Great King Emanpugnikam looted and picked bare the tower and surrounding city before the few who survived the white plague returned home. However, none of us will know until we get there.
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